Hemoglobin catabolism

                                             HAEMOGLOBIN CATABOLISM

By: Safura Damia

Hi guys.
Do you know our body have 15 g hemoglobin per litres of blood and it can bind with 200 ml of oxygen per litre? And normal amount of blood for woman is 4.5 litres and 5 litres for man. Can you imagine how small hemoglobin molecule are and how much it consist in our body.
It beyond your expectation right. So appreciate your blood as how you appreciate your money.

But our red blood cell only last for 120 days. After that, red blood cell destruction occur. The cell are removed extravascularly by macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system specially in the bone marrow and also in the liver and spleen. When it destructed, the new red blood cell will replaced the destroyed red blood cell to maintain our body function.

So, have you guys ever wondered how normal red blood cell destruction occured in our body? Do you think it is that complicated?

Actually it is not as complicated as you think if you read the flow chart below. 


When old red blood cell rupture, the released hemoglobin is ingested by macrophages.
Breakdown of red cells cause:

  • Iron liberated to marrow erythroblast via plasma tranferrin for circulation.
  • Protoporphyrin broken down to bilirubin.
  • Globin converted to amino acids.


Iron is transported by transferrin in the blood to various tissue ( muscle,kidney, liver) for storage. Some of it transported to red bone marrow for making new hemoglobin.

Free bilirubin is transported by albumin in the blood to the liver. Then liver cell make conjugated bilirubin which is then excreted as part of the bile into the small intestine. Intestinal bacteria convert conjugated bilirubin into urobilin and stercobilinogen (excreted in faeces). Urobilin reabsorbed into the blood and excreted from the kidney by the urine.

A small fraction of protoporphyrin is converted to carbon monoxide and excreted via the lungs.


Globin chains are broken down to individual amino acids which are utilized for general protein synthesis in the body.

*Interesting fact
Bilirubin give brown colored to our faeces  


Now, do you guys understand how our hemoglobin destruction occur??

If u still can't make it clear, i have prepared you one interesting video to help you to understand it better and i guarantee after you guys watch this video, you will not confuse anymore about hemoglobin destruction.

So, enjoy the video⬇


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