Regulation of Erytropoiesis

By: Nur Hanisah Mohd Misban

Hello everyone! Today, I want to share something that maybe you have experienced it before.

Have you heard about EPO before this?πŸ‘‚
If this is the first time, what do you think it is? 
Is it a name of an organisation or somehow a name of microorganism? 
Obviously no! πŸ’’

EPO is actually erythropoietin, a hormone produce mainly by our kidney. As you all know, production of red blood cell (erythrocytes) occur in bone marrow. The production of red blood cell is called erythropoiesis.  EPO will stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis. 

Do you know that our red blood cell is destroyed everyday? 
Can you imagine if we continuously loss our red blood cell?
Therefore, erythropoiesis is a MUST in order to replace back the dead red blood cell. 

So, let me explain to you in a simple way about the regulation of erythropoiesis. Hope you understand! If you have any questions, kindly please comment below and I will reply soon.πŸ˜„


The most important thing we need to know is, EPO produced when there is tissue hypoxia. Maybe some of you do not know what is hypoxia.πŸ˜‰

Hypoxia is decrease in oxygen transport to tissue.For your information, there are some conditions those lead to tissue hypoxia and increase in erythropoiesis. These are the examples:

1. At High Altitude

I am sure most of you love to go hiking to see the beautiful spectacular view from above.πŸŒ„ 
It truly becomes the feast for the eyes. As for me, I find hiking to be the perfect blend of mental, physical and spiritual activity. Well, as you go up, what do you feel??
Panting and out of breath.

So, actually what happen is:

~At high altitude, partial pressure of oxygen is low. 
~So, low oxygen transport to tissue or called tissue hypoxia. 
~The renal tubular cells (sensor) detect low concentration of oxygen in blood. 
~This stimulate kidney to produce EPO. 
~Then, EPO stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis. 
~This cause increase red blood cell number and resolve the tissue hypoxia. 

2. Kidney failure

Some of us may have family or friend with kidney failure. Then, how they get EPO? Can they done erythropoiesis?

~Kidney failure cannot produce EPO. 
~So, low red blood cell production and cause anaemia.
~This lead to tissue hypoxia.
~Then, it triggered back-up organ (brain, liver, uterus) as non-renal sensor to produce EPO
~Then, EPO stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis. 
~This cause increase red blood cell and resolve the tissue hypoxia. 

3. Congestive heart failure

Congestive heart failure is a common problem not only in Malaysia but also in another country. The heart cannot pump the blood efficiently to whole body part. 

We need to pactice good healthy life style and prevent obesity to avoid this disease.

Below is how congestive heart failure lead to tissue hypoxia and increase in erythropoiesis.

~heart failure cause low in cardiac output
~This decrease blood flow that carry oxygen
~Tissue hypoxia happened and stimulate kidney to produce EPO 
~Then, EPO stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis. 
~This cause increase red blood cell and resolve the tissue hypoxia. 

4. Asthma

A person who have asthma cannot do over active activity as this can make him uncomfortable and may harm himself. 


He will keep breathing in and out to replace back oxygen he had used. But how actually asthma related to increase in erythropoiesis?

~The person with asthma has narrow breathing tube.
~So, low  oxygen reach the lung.
~This limit oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cell.
~Less oxygen transport to tissue cause hypoxia.
~This stimulate kidney to produce EPO. 
~Then, EPO stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis. 
~This cause increase red blood cell and resolve the tissue hypoxia. 

 5. Bone marrow failure

Bone marrow is so important for each of us. It is the side for production of red blood cells. 

If it is fail to use, how our body get the new red blood cell? 😨
Is it someone who has bone marrow failure need to get blood transfusion frequently?😯

~Bone marrow failure cannot produce red blood cell.
~Decrease in number of red blood cell and cause anaemia.
~Lowoxygen transport to tissue or hypoxia.
~This stimulate kidney to produce EPO.
~EPO stimulate extramedullary hematopoiesis which are liver and spleen.
~Erythropoiesis increase.
~This cause increase red blood cell number and resolve the tissue hypoxia.

The summary is as follow: 

If you want extra knowledge about this, you can freely  visit this website. 


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