
Showing posts from November, 2017


HAEMOGLOBIN FUNCTION Its originally function is to transport oxygen but can u imagine if its no longer do its job properly.. here is some true story i wanna share with u guys about the haemoglobin......    My name is Angela and I have  Hemoglobin SC Disease  (Hgb SC), a type of sickle cell disease.  It is usually a milder type of sickle cell than sickle cell anemia (Hgb SS). People with Hgb SC have 1 sickle cell gene and 1 hemoglobin C gene (another type of abnormal hemoglobin). I submitted a picture of my character the “ CILLY CELL ” instead of me. This disease has caused me so much unbelievable pain and grief.  I am blessed to have three children. When I was pregnant with my second child, I developed double pneumonia. With my third child, I developed pneumonia and pleurisy. Over 12 years ago, I came home to Georgia to get better health care as I was living in a small town in South Carolina and ended up separated from my ex-husband, leaving my three little chi

Red Blood Cell

By: Hilmi Zikri Hey, do you know our body produce average about 200,000,000,000 red blood cells per day? That`s sounds a lot, right? Do you ever wonder, why so much red blood cells produce in a day? Is it even that important? Red blood cells or also known as erythrocyte, it circulate around our body to carry oxygen to our body tissues. It is called red blood cell because it actually gives the our blood color with red in color! Red blood cells is round in shape, small, biconcave and flexible, make this tiny red blood cell passes through small blood vessels.                                                       Aren't they cute <3 Other function of red blood cells: provide nutrients to the cells in our body,  distributes hormones  removes waste product from our body. The shocking truth, unlike the other cells in the body, they don't have nucleus, mitochondria or ribosomes. As the result, the absences of that structure, they make room for milli

Regulation of Erytropoiesis

REGULATION OF ERYTROPOIESIS By: Nur Hanisah Mohd Misban Hello everyone! Today, I want to share something that maybe you have experienced it before. Have you heard about EPO before this?👂 If this is the first time, what do you think it is?  Is it a name of an organisation or somehow a name of microorganism?  Obviously no! 💢 EPO is actually erythropoietin, a hormone produce mainly by our kidney. As you all know, production of red blood cell (erythrocytes) occur in bone marrow. The production of red blood cell is called erythropoiesis.  EPO will stimulate bone marrow to increase erythropoiesis.  Do you know that our red blood cell is destroyed everyday?  Can you imagine if we continuously loss our red blood cell? Therefore, erythropoiesis is a MUST in order to replace back the dead red blood cell.  So, let me explain to you in a simple way about the regulation of erythropoiesis. Hope you understand! If you have any questions, kindly please comment below and I

Hemoglobin catabolism

                                             HAEMOGLOBIN CATABOLISM By: Safura Damia Hi guys. Do you know our body have 15 g hemoglobin per litres of blood and it can bind with 200 ml of oxygen per litre? And normal amount of blood for woman is 4.5 litres and 5 litres for man. Can you imagine how small hemoglobin molecule are and how much it consist in our body. It beyond your expectation right. So appreciate your blood as how you appreciate your money. But our red blood cell only last for 120 days. After that, red blood cell destruction occur. The cell are removed extravascularly by macrophages of the reticuloendothelial system specially in the bone marrow and also in the liver and spleen. When it destructed, the new red blood cell will replaced the destroyed red blood cell to maintain our body function. So, have you guys ever wondered how normal red blood cell destruction occured in our body? Do you think it is that complicated? Actually it is not as complicated as you


HAEMOPOIES by: Nurul Shafiqa Have you guys ever wonder how does our blood being produced?  Do you know where exactly is the blood formation takes place? I know some of you might not interested to know about this scientific processes, but as for me,it is fun to know what our body have gone through everyday. Although I used to be like that too when I was a kid, now i feel grateful that I have to learn this to pass my exams. It sounds like I was being forced, hahahaha somehow it's true.😝Nope, we shouldn't be like that! What we learn today must be very useful for our future. Not only we can get benefit from the knowledge, but we also learn on how to appreciate what does our God gives us and be more grateful of what we have compared to other people out there. I still remember the time I fell from my bicycle. I was 6 that time. That is because I wasn't listening to my mom. I still wanna play with my friends although it was just few minutes after the rain stopped. I rod

factors effecting erythropoiesis

BY: FARAH IDAYU BINTI SAMSUDIN VITAMIN  did you ever remember the day when we are being forced and asked forcefully by our parents to eat lots lots and lots of vitamins during our childhood? i mean this vitamin for example ⬇ I bet yall only think that vitamin are only good for our skin and our immune system but now let me tell you that . . . . . . . . .  It also help in ERYTHROPOEISIS !!! Ok dont be confused because im gonna explain about that right now . Heres are some examples of vitamins that play role in erythtropoiesis. Cyanocobalamin Dont be afraid with the name, it might sound so terrifying (because it sounds so chemical) but actually they are called Vitamin B12 Example of food that contain vitamin B12 are eggs,milk,cheese, meat and poultry. Vitamin B12 is stored mostly in liver and in small quantity of muscle. However, when it is necessary, it will be transported to the bone marrow to promote the maturation o

HAEMOGLOBIN SYNTHESIS, by shafiqah zawani :')

Have you ever heard about haemoglobin before? Do you know that haemoglobin actually can be separated into haem group and globin? Each of these groups are synthesis distinctly and combine together to give the function as a haemoglobin. But, each of these groups is define differently as well as the synthesis location and the structure. So, what are these actually? Let’s make it clear one by one! HAEM v Haem is actually the component of haemoglobin responsible for binding oxygen. v It consists of an iron ion that binds oxygen and a porphyrin ring that binds the globin molecules. v One molecule binds one molecule of oxygen. v Haem synthesis occur largely in the mitochondria. GLOBIN v Globin is one of several polypeptides that are the protein components of haemoglobin in blood. v Globin synthesis occurs in the polyribosome. v Globin synthesis first detected in the yolk sac at about 3 weeks gestation. WHAT ABOUT HAEMOGLOBIN? Haemo