What's in OUR BLOOD?

I don't know about you guys, but I wonder what is going on inside my body. How everything works within. What I am especially interested in is our blood. We scrape our knees when we fall and blood comes out and after a few mins it turns into a scab, then a few days we will pluck out the scab and our skin is fine again. Our body is so efficient without us realizing it. Well I hope this post will enlighten you guys about a major part of us; Our blood.

What is blood composed of? Our blood is 55% plasma and 45% cells parts. Now all of you might ask what in the world is plasma or cell parts? Basically Plasma is a mixture of fluids, which includes 92% of water, 7% of proteins and 1% of nutrients, waste, fats, hormones, vitamins, gases, and dissolved salts (that's why our blood taste like iron or saltwater). Cells parts are Red Blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC), and Platelets. Red Blood Cells carry gases which are oxygen and carbon dioxide. White Blood Cells fights infections of all sorts. Platelets are what's responsible for closing clotting the blood when we scrape our knees for example. The most abundant is RBCs, Platelets comes after, and the rarest are WBCs. For what they all look like, There is a picture to give you a visual representation.

So that's all the science behind the composition of our blood. Now a question that I think you need to ask yourself is how useful is your blood and how much we take it for granted. Just like all of our other parts of the body. We as human beings obviously need to breathe. What do you think carries oxygen throughout our body? That's right, you guessed it, it is OUR BLOOD! That's one of many other reasons why our blood is extremely important. Having healthy blood means having a healthy and less senile life. Did you know that having healthy blood means having beautiful skin. So to those who want the ever so flawless skin, do these few steps to achieving so.

1) EXERCISE!!! this is crucial for you to have healthy blood because it will induce more blood cell production in our body.
2) HYDRATE!!! you need to drink an adequate amount of water daily according to your bodyweight. the ideal amount is 1 LITER PER 25KG of your body weight.
3) A HEALTHY DIET!!! you are what you eat. if you eat junk you will look like junk. Eat more fruits and vegetables and keep away from sugary foods and drinks.


1. Average Men have approximately 5 Liters of blood, while Women only have 4.5 Liters.
2. Leukemia patients have a high count of WBCs
BY Syafiq Baki


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