
Showing posts from December, 2017


By: Amirul Fikri Hi guys! Have you study and read our blog about white blood cells? Are you ready for the quiz? Just take these simple and easy questions. Good luck! 1. Where are the location for production of our white blood cells? A. Liver B. Bone Marrow C. Heart D. Sternocleidomastoid 2. What is the types of this white blood cells? A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Monocyte E. Lymphocytes 3. T cells, B cells and Natural Killer cells are the type of: A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Monocyte E. Lymphocytes 4. The largest WBC found in our body: A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Monocyte E. Lymphocytes 5. The most abundant WBC found in our body: A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Monocyte E. Lymphocytes 6. The rarest WBC is: A. Neutrophils B. Basophils C. Eosinophils D. Monocyte E. Lymphocytes 7. What is the types of this white blood cel

Blood Hemostasis ( blood clotting ) by Ikram Hamdi

Auchh!! Eewww! Disgusting or feeling like there are cuts on your hand? We humans in daily live are always get in contact or have the risk to get injured. Most of the injury can lead to bleeding for example like cuts, pierced or bitten. Well, if you always spend time in the kitchen, get a little cut by knife of bones of fish is just a normal routine in your daily life. To think, these injury cause bleeding to us. We often get treatment by applying plasters here and there. Applying plasters and maybe some ointment are our action as human to prevent bleeding, but did you know that the main factor of bleeding to stop is from our blood action itself? Yeah today you will know about it. You will encounter some new words like fibrinogen, prothrombin and some other vitamins that may open your eyes widely and be thankful to our blood action. A cut at the blood vessel There are many things caused injury to blood vessel for example cuts and being bitten by animal or anything. When injury